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  • Writer's pictureDelaney Farmer, LAT, LMT

For the Love of Sports

SPORTS Bringing together people, communities, countries, and the world. As someone from the United States, I know our country is not perfect. I know we have problems. It's hard feeling divided and not united.

Then you have the opportunity to work an international sporting event which brings together a different type of unity. Athletes, coaches, and support staff come together donning on their respective uniforms and proudly representing their country while they advocate for the sport they love.

International events are a special moment because people are truly there for the sport. You’re representing your country. You’re representing your family. You’re representing your passion.

There is a sense of pride hearing our National Anthem playing above the rest. It’s a moment where you stand tall among all the other countries and know – you are the best. That pride bursts through all your pores knowing all the hard work you put into your sport paid off. The long hours, the injuries, the sacrifices, all to know, at that one single point in time – you are the best.

When I am home and standing for the National Anthem, I stand because I have that right, I stand within silence and respect, I stand because the letters of the "U.S of A" represents my country, even with all her flaws, I stand. I want to focus on the good we have and believe we can do better. When I stand, I stand for our Nation which hosts all our mightily athletes I support. On home soil or on international lands, I stand for our country and our athletes.

Words that some describe sports:

  • Family

  • Determination

  • Passion

  • Growth

  • Courage

  • Character

  • Competitive

  • Emotion

  • Movement

  • Sacrificeice

  • Bonding

  • Fun

  • Disipline

  • Execution

  • Health


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